Kevin 英文不難

2020 年 10 月 22 日

69 次收聽

#70. Solve, resolve 用法差異|英文不難

時間 08:13



*Podcast YouTube 頻道



【Kevin 線上托福課程】

-------Solve/Resolve 解釋-------
The verb to solve is generally used to mean finding an answer or explanation. We solve a problem, something with a logical or complete answer.

The verb to resolve means to settle something or to finish it in an acceptable way. Solve is used to find the correct answer to a problem; resolve is used more generally to conclude a problem.

The conclusion reached with resolving something may be one of many choices, and it may not please everyone, but it concludes the problem, finishing it. The conclusion reached with solving a problem, however, suggests the correct answer has been found.

*generally: 大多數時候、通常
--Your health is generally good, but you do have a few small problems.
--Could you give me a quick explanation of how it works?
--This is the only logical way to solve the problem.
--They haven't yet settled when the wedding is going to be.
--She concluded the speech by reminding us of our responsibility.
--I only got married to please my parents.

1. I (solved) the mystery of the missing chair.
2. The girls (resolved) their argument by reaching a compromise.
3. The maze was impossible to (solve).
4. We (solved) the problem with our boiler by replacing one of the parts.
5. He (resolved) the dispute between the two diplomats, though neither were happy.
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