李老師陪你探索英文世界 Exploring English with Ms. Lee

2021 年 3 月 7 日

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引爆戰爭的導火線—鮮少人知的美國被殖民史| 神奇樹屋Magic Tree House #22:Revolutionary War on Wednesday 遇見華盛頓

時間 48:44



這一次的神奇樹屋Magic Tree House #22:Revolutionary War on Wednesday 我們將會分為三集來介紹美國獨立戰爭,第一集,我們來聊聊戰爭發生前的時代背景。




  • Sophie first could you give us an update of what’s going on in the world of Camelot? Sure, In the beginning of the book, the reader finds out that Camelot, where Morgan, the librarian who created the magic treehouse from King Arthur’s times is from, is in trouble. To save the kingdom, Jack and Annie have to find four special kinds of writings for her library. For this book, they have to find the second writing, something to send.
  • Why doesn’t Jack really want to go at first? Because they are going to another war.
  • Which war are they going back to? American Revolutionary War. 
  • Which two sides fight against each other in American Revolutionary War? Americans patriots fight for independence from Britain. 
  • Who do they meet by the river? They met a group of tired patriots.
  • What date do Jack and Annie return to? December 25, 1776.
  • Which important historical figure do they meet there? George Washington
  • Why is George Washington so important? Because he led America to become independent and he became the first president of the US
  • How do Jack and Annie find the special writing that they are looking for? When a captain asks Jack and Annie to help him deliver or send his farewell letter to his children if he dies in the war.
  • What do Jack and Annie get to do after this? They get to take the writing home.
  • Sophie, can you briefly outline this story for us? My pleasure. Morgan’s Camelot is in trouble, and in order to save Camelot, Jack and Annie need to find four special kinds of writing. In this book, they go to the American Revolutionary War to find the second writing. When they get there, they discover it’s December 25, 1776, and the patriots are about to cross the Delaware River, led by George Washington. A captain asks Jack and Annie to deliver or send a letter to his kids in case he dies in the war. Upon receiving this letter, Jack and Annie realize they have accomplished their mission and are able to return home. 

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. “ - Thomas Paine
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.” - Thomas Paine
All roads lead to Rome.

  • George Washington 
  • Alexander Hamilton 
  • George III
  • Benjamin Franklin 
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

New England 13個殖民區:有今天的New York state, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

  • founding father n. 創國元老
  • to be frank 老實說⋯
  • bias n. 偏見
  • dynasty n. 朝代
  • power struggle 爭權
  • emperor n. 帝王
  • empress n. 女皇
  • concubine n. 嬪妾
  • require course n. 必修學分
  • hippy n. 嬉皮
  • geography n. 地理
  • anecdote n. 小故事
  • driver’s permit n. 駕駛核准
  • take a nap 睡午覺
  • rebellious a. 叛逆的 
  • faculty n. 學科
  • colonies n. 殖民區
  • France 法國
  • Holland 荷蘭
  • Sweden 瑞典
  • Finland 芬蘭
  • identify v. 認同為
  • Assembly n. 議會
  • mini-parliament n. 小國會
  • representative n. 代表人
  • swear to v. 發誓
  • allegiance n. 忠誠
  • entity n. 實體
  • freedom n. 自由
  • aggressively adv. 激進地
  • colonist n. 殖民地的居住者
  • colonized v. 被殖民
  • kidnap v. 綁架
  • Native Americans 美國原住民
  • arrive v. 抵達
  • amphitheater n. 露天劇場
  • Infrastructure n. 基礎建設
  • paved road n. 鋪過的道路
  • apprentice n. 學徒
  • rich in 富有豐富的
  • natural resources n. 自然資源
  • abundant a. 富足的
  • prospering a. 繁榮的
  • thriving a. 旺盛的
  • fighting with v. 打仗
  • borrow v. 借
  • convict v. 判罪
  • evade v. 躲避
  • evasion n. 逃避
  • access n. 管道
  • antagonize n. 對抗
  • riot n. 暴動
  • repeal v. 撤銷
  • demonstration n. 示威
  • outrage n. 暴怒
  • patriot n. 愛國者
  • loyalist n. 效忠者
  • boycott v. 抵制
  • resolution n. 決議
  • disobey v. 違抗
  • resident n. 居民
  • epicenter n. 中心
  • delegate n. 代表團圓
  • militia n. 民兵
  • casualty n. 傷亡人員

  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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